Centennial Marching Band Receives Superior Rating
On October 17th, the Centennial Marching Band participated in the 2020 IHSMA “Virtual” State Marching Band Festival, where they received a Division I “Superior” rating. This is the highest rating that a high school marching band can receive at this festival. This is the 7th consecutive year in which they have received this rating. To participate, the band submitted a video of their 2020 show “Lift Your Heart & Voice”, which was then adjudicated by a panel of judges from across the state of Iowa. “I am so proud of all of the hard work the students put in this year in order to not only put together a fantastic show, but to also take care of each other and keep each other safe every day. The students went above and beyond all expectations and I couldn’t be prouder of them!”- Scott Hook, director. The Centennial High School Marching Band consists of 200 students in grades 9-12 and is directed by Scott Hook, Nick Rueckert, Janelle Hook, Marcus Price, Mary Harris and Jake Thieben. Congratulations!
Northview Winter Sports
2020-2021 Winter Athletic Information
All student athletes who elect to participate in any sport must complete all sections of the Athletic Online Registration that also includes uploading their current physical. To fill out the Athletic Online Registration click the link below or go to the Activities button on the ACHS or NV website.
The winter season offers 8th grade athletes interested in Wrestling and Boys’ Basketball the opportunity to participate in both sports. We have a split-schedule structure in the CIML conference that offers Girls’ Basketball and Wrestling in the early season (mid October – late December) and Boys’ Basketball in the late winter season (late December – late February). Please see the details below.
Click here to view any of our CIML sports team schedules.
8th Wrestling
Practice begins Monday, October 19th at NVMS after school (3:45-5:30pm). We will have two informational meetings for wrestlers (to accommodate both groups). Please use SE Entrance –
- 8th Wrestling Meeting – 7:45 – 8:00am East Gym; Tuesday Oct. 13th
- 8th Wrestling Meeting – 10:15-10:30am East Gym; Wednesday October 14th
There will be no in-person parent meeting. Parent Meeting – 6pm Zoom Link; Wednesday Oct. 14th
Contact Coach Nathan Smith with questions: nathan.smith@ankenyschools.org
9th Wrestling
9th wrestling informational meetings for boys/girls: Tuesday, October 20 OR Thursday, October 22 after school (3:45pm) in NV cafeteria
Contact Coach Jay Groth with questions: jay.groth@ankenyschools.org
8th Girls’ Basketball
Informational meeting on Friday, October 2nd from 7:40-8:00 AM in Cafeteria at Northview.
Practice begins Wednesday, October 14th after school at Northview Middle School. You can also sign up in the front office.
Contact Coach Tony Klein with questions: tony.klein@ankenyschools.org
JV1/JV2 Girls Basketball
Parent/Players meeting on October 14 at 5:15 in the ACHS Cafeteria. Practice begins Monday, November 9th after school at NV. If you played in 8th grade, please check your email as a sign up form from Coach Fehn was sent on September 10. If you did not go out for 8th grade basketball, but would like to play this year, Contact Coach Andy Fehn or Liz Mashek with questions. Please check your email for more information regarding a pre-season Zoom meeting.
Contact Coach Liz Mashek or Andy Fehn with questions: liz.mashek@ankenyschools.org andy.fehn@ankenyschools.org
8th Boys’ Basketball
There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, Dec 3rd at 3:45pm in the cafeteria for students interested. Official start date will be Monday January 4th , but there will be optional practices on Wednesday, Dec. 16th & Thursday, Dec. 17th after school at Prairie Ridge.
Contact Coach Paul Evans with questions: paul.evans@ankenyschools.org
9th Boys Basketball
Contact Coach Jeff Kelling with questions: jeff.kelling@ankenyschools.org
9th Boys Swimming
There will be an informational meeting for all 9th grade boys interested in swimming on Wednesday, Oct. 21st 3:45pm in the NV commons.
Contact Coach Justin Crouch with questions: Justin.crouch@ankenyschools.org
8th Grade Boys’ /Girls’ Swimming
Practice will begin February 15 and the season will end the week before spring break. We practice every school day from 4:00-5:30 at NV Middle School Pool . Boys and girls from both Northview and Southview can participate. Coach Stout will meet with interested students after Christmas break. Watch the school TV for announcements.
Contact Coach Michelle Stout with questions: michelle.stout@ankenyschools.org
9th Grade Boys’ / Girls’ Bowling
Please watch the NV Activities website and TV’s at NV for information about the upcoming season.
Contact Coach Lane Richtsmeier with questions: lane.richtsmeier@ankenyschools.org
Welcome Letter
August 7, 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! As we prepare to start another school year at Northview during these unprecedented times, our wish is that your family experiences an exciting year of learning. Over the course of the next couple weeks I will continue to send out information to help you prepare for the upcoming school year. Today I would like to share a few bullet points:
The district decided on the following Hybrid Schedule. Hybrid Schedule
Group 1 will meet on Mondays, Thursdays and every other Wednesday.
Group 2 will meet on Tuesdays, Fridays and every other Wednesday.
Parents will be notified of what group their student(s) have been assigned to on August 15th.
We will use the following Hybrid Bell schedule. Hybrid Bell Schedule
On your student’s first day of school, they will start the day in their first period class.
Students will be required to wear masks and sanitize hands when entering the building. Students will report directly to first period class. There will be no congregating in the hallways, gym or lunchroom before class or during passing periods. Bus riders will be required to wear a mask while on the bus. Hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout the building and readily available to students.
Student academic/PE lockers will not be issued to students. Students need to keep their belongings in their school bags and carry to classrooms. Students will not change for PE class.
Breakfast will be a grab and go format. Students will eat breakfast in the classroom before first period.
Students will be eating lunch in the cafeteria at a desk which will be 6 ft from any other desk so social distancing practices will be in place.
During passing times students will continue to social distance when walking and wear masks. Hallways will be one direction and marked with appropriate arrows for students to follow.
We will have social distance markings on the floor for students to follow when using the hydration stations to fill a water bottle. We are asking students to have a clear, refillable water bottle with them so they don’t have to touch the drinking fountains.
Student desks and chairs will be disinfected by students between each class period.
Students will be dismissed in a manner that promotes social distancing and will be asked to exit the building through the nearest exit.
We will have a table stationed inside the main entrance for parents to drop off student belongings instead of coming all the way into the main office. Student belongings should be labeled with their name. If a parent/guardian needs to enter the building they will be required to wear a mask.
Student Entrance Points and Parent Drop-Off / Pick-Up (See map below)
Students will enter the building through their assigned entrance.
Parent drop-off and pick-up is located at the East/Main Entrance (1E), North Entrance (39N), and South Entrance (10S).
Bus Riders: West Cafeteria Entrance (22W)
Student Drivers/Moped Riders: South Entrance (10S)
Bike Riders/Walkers: Enter through closest entrance. East (1E), North (39N), South (10S)
Sp. Ed. Bus and Car Drop Off Sp.Ed.: West Entrance (26W)
The west cafeteria doors will not be used for parent drop-off or pick-up. This entrance is reserved for Ankeny School District’s transportation services and staff.
Students operating under a school driver’s permit must register their vehicle with the main office along with paying for a parking sticker. Student drivers will park in the designated parking lot which is in the southwest corner by the softball field.
We have made changes to the times our doors will unlock before school starts. Please do not drop your students off before these time slots so we don’t have large gatherings of students waiting outside the school building. Read chart below:
M,T,TH,F Building opens for drop-off |
M, T, TH, F Student Hours |
Wednesday Building opens for drop-off |
Wednesday Student Hours |
8:00 am Doors Open |
8:20 am – 3:35 pm |
10:30 am Doors Open |
10:50 am – 3:35 |
All doors will be locked at 8:20 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday, and Fridays. Wednesday all doors will be locked at 10:50. The east entrance serves as the main entrance to the building.
I speak on behalf of the staff at Northview when I say that we look forward to the day when we can return back to school under normal circumstances, but know your student’s safety and well being is on the top of our priority list each and every day. Your family is important to us. We can’t wait to see you all for your first day of school.
Jay Slight
Northview Middle School
2020 Fall Athletic Information
2020 Northview Fall Athletic Information
Athletic Participation REQUIRED information
- Parents, please complete our online registration process ASAP if you have a fall student/athlete.
- Your student must have an updated physical and completed online registration to participate. Here is the link to complete the registration: https://ankenycentennial-ar.rschooltoday.com
- Even if your student-athlete will not participate in a fall sport, we are asking all families and students to complete the online process at this time.
- All students must complete the Varsity bound COVID questionnaire from an app prior to each practice. Instructions for each sport are listed below.
8th Football– Practice starts August 24th, 2020.
The optional booster club 8th grade football camp is August 17-21 at Northview from 4:00-6:00pm at Northview Stadium. The first official practice is Monday, August 24th at Northview Stadium from 4:00-6:00pm. Must have cleats and mouth piece.
Players who have not filled this Google Form out need to prior to the beginning of the season. https://forms.gle/zegVBENTXn3gm3aF8
I will use the communication app Remind for most of my communication. Send a text to 81010 and text this message @jaguar8t to get signed up. Players should sign up and parents are encouraged to as well.
Contact Coach Andy Fehn with questions: andy.fehn@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Football Athlete Invite Link
9th Football- Practice starts August 10th, 2020
Football camp will be held at Northview Stadium August 3-7 8:00-10:30am. Practice begins on Monday, August 10th at Northview Stadium 8:00-11:00am.
Contact Coach Jesse Vander Weerdt with questions: jesse.vanderweerdt@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Football Athlete Invite Link
Boys Golf
9th Boys Golf– Practice starts August 17th, 2020
First practices will be August 17th & 18th from 9-10:00am at Des Moines Driving Range – 2944 NW 66th Ave., Des Moines. Starting August 19th, practices will be held at Woodland Hills Golf Course at 4:00pm. All players should bring their clubs and appropriate shoes.
Contact Coach John Petersen with questions: john.petersen@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Golf Athlete Invite Link
8th Volleyball– Practice starts Monday, August 31st, 2020.
Practice begins at 3:50 pm and will end at 5:30 pm most days except Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays and Fridays, dismissal time will be 5:00 pm.
Please join Remind by texting @434d7h to 81010 for updates and reminders throughout the summer and school year. This is our main platform for communication.
Contact coach Amy Miller with questions: amyv.miller@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Volleyball Athlete Invite Link
9th Volleyball – Practice starts August 10th, 2020.
Practice August 10 – August 18th will be at ACHS from 8:00 – 10:00am. August 19 through the end of the season will run at Northview after school from 4:00 – 5:45pm Monday – Thursday. FRIDAYS will be in the morning before school 6:00-7:30am.
Join the “Remind” app by sending a text to 81010 with the message “@9thjagvb” for updates and reminders on practices and games.
Contact coach Samantha Eifler with questions: samantha.eifler@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Volleyball Athlete Invite Link
Cross Country
8th Girls Cross Country- Practice starts Monday, Aug. 31st at Northview Middle School
Informational Meetings on Thursday, August 27th & Friday, August 28th (due to Hybrid model) after school in the cafeteria at 4:00pm.
Contact Coach Kyle Benna with questions: kyle.benna@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Girls XC Athlete Invite Link
8th Boys Cross Country–Practice starts Thursday August 27th, 2020.
All practices begin and end at Northview Middle School. We will practice 3:45 – 5:15 pm Monday through Friday. Athletes will be ready for pick up no later than 5:15 pm. Please join Remind by texting @a2bk2e to 81010 for updates and reminders throughout the summer and school year. This is our main platform for communication.
Contact Coach Mike Radue with questions: mike.radue@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Boys XC Athlete Invite Link
9th Girls Cross Country – Practice starts August 10, 2020
The first mandatory practice is August 10th from 7:00 – 9:30am at the NE corner of Centennial High School. The rest of the week will continue with 7:00 – 9:00am practices. Beginning August 17th, practices will be from 4:00 – 6:00pm. You need to have an updated physical and completed online registration to participate.
Contact Coach Eric Cogdill with questions: eric.cogdill@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Girls XC Athlete Invite Link
9th Boys Cross Country – Practice starts August 10th, 2020 at 8am.
Meet at the north end of ACHS. We will continue morning practice this week.
Starting August 17th we will practice at ACHS at 4pm.
You need to have an updated physical and concussion form to practice
Contact Coach Chad Fickbohm with questions: chad.fickbohm@ankenyschools.org
Varsity Bound App Directions:
Boys XC Athlete Invite Link
Swimming/ Diving
9th girls swimming – Practice starts August 10th, 2020
- Monday & Friday morning practice (dry land training) 6:00am – 7:30am at Centennial High School, Swimmers and Divers
- Tuesday & Thursday morning practice (pool, swim only) 6:00am – 7:30am at Trail Point on DMACC campus.
- Monday – Friday afternoon practice (pool) 4:00pm – 6:30pm at Trail Point.
- Saturday practice (pool) 7:30am – 9:00am at Trail Point.
- Diving practice (pool) Monday – Friday 6:15pm – 8:00pm / Saturday 9:00am – 10:00am at Trail Point.
Contact Coach Michelle Stout with questions: michelle.stout@ankenyschools.org
Hybrid Learning Model
The final Hybrid Learning model schedule for the 2020-2021 school year has been selected. See the attached schedule, which is the Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays.
The survey results were:
Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%
The final results of the survey were:
- Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
- Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%
Jaguar Sports Registration
Ankeny Jaguar Families,
As we enter the month of August, it is time to begin the process of gearing up for a new school year and another year of exciting sports seasons.
One of the more stressful things every fall for student-athletes, parents, coaches, and the activities office is the process of obtaining permission to practice. We are excited to offer an online process to register for Ankeny Centennial Activities that we hope will make this experience more convenient for all involved.
If your student will participate in a 2020.21 sport, we ask you to complete this online registration by Tuesday, August 4th This will give our office time to process all registrations, share information with coaches, and clear permission to practice prior to the start of practice for 9th graders on Monday, August 10th and for 8th graders Monday, August 24th.
Even if your student-athlete will participate in a winter, spring, or summer sport, we are asking all families and students complete this process at this time. This will allow us to supply coaches with potential rosters all year long which will allow for better communication and tracking of student eligibility data. However, if your student decides to participate in a sport, registration can be processed at any time during the year.
Below you will find the link to this website as well as some general instructions to help you in the process. You must complete this process for your student to be given permission to practice.
Ankeny Centennial & Northview Activities Registration site: https://ankenycentennial-ar.rschooltoday.com
Need help? Check the video tutorials below:
I am new to the system and need to register my student but haven’t done this before – Watch video
I have already registered my student but need to add another sport and/or 2020-21 school year – Watch video
I have an account and want to register another student – Watch video
I have an account but forgot my username and/or password – Watch video
Some general instructions to get you started:
- From the Homepage, click on the “ATHLETIC TEAM REGISTRATION’ icon (we may make use of the other options as we get used to the potential of the site).
- You are now in the activity registration section. Please submit all required and any optional information you wish to supply. Information you will be asked for includes:
- Student demographic information
- Activities the student intends to participate in (please include all at this time)
- Student Physical Info:
- If you are submitting a new physical form, please scan or take a photo of the SIGNED and COMPLETED ACSD physical form and upload this to the website. You must also enter the date this physical exam was completed. This will help us track physical expiration dates and alert you when it is time to get a new physical.
- If you are NOT submitting a new physical form at this time (current physical has not expired), please check the boxes stating the physical will expire later in the year and you will submit a new one at that time. You will log back into this system and upload your physical and date at this later date.
- If you cannot upload the physical form it must be sent or dropped off at the high school.
- Parent demographic information
- Review the ACSD Board Policy on co-curricular participation, eligibility, and good conduct policies. Both the student and the parent/guardian must electronically sign and date the form, acknowledging that they have read and reviewed this policy.
- Review the HEADS UP: Concussion in HS Sports information as required annually by the Iowa Department of Education, the IHSAA, and the IGHSAU. Both the student and the parent/guardian must electronically sign and date the form, acknowledging that they have read and reviewed this document.
- MEDICAL CONSENT –You will be prompted to provide medical information that would be available to Ankeny Centennial & Northview coaches, trainers, nurses, and administration in case of an emergency situation.
- Complete the final consent signature at the bottom of the form and submit.
- If there are any errors in required fields, you will be alerted to correct these items in red.
- Once the form is complete, you will be asked to set up a user name and password for your family. Please keep this information as you will use it to re-enter this portal for future updates and registrations.
- If you have more than one student, you can begin a new form for each student under the same account.
Once this is complete, your student-athlete will be registered for participation. This data will sync with our existing databases and we will generate our permission to practice lists. These will be shared with our coaches daily until they are all complete.
We hope this will create a smoother, less stressful process for all of our families and coaches.
Go Jaguars!
Scott M. Garvis – ACHS Activities Director
Holly W. Anderson – Northview Activities Director
Northview Students Participate in the First Virtual Iowa Youth Institute
Northview Students Participated in the First Virtual Iowa Youth Institute for the World Food Prize Foundation in April.
Northview was represented by Kate Bergan, Charlie Brink, Adeline Brooks, Abbi Brown, Emma Calabro, Lillie Carreon, McKenzie Hinton, Layla Hughes, Trevor Longnecker, Rondi Quass, Raimundo San Martin Montero, Noah Sleeper, and Sarah Truong.