Please click here to read the current and past newsletters.
The 2nd Annual Ankeny Future Ready “Night” begins on February 8th and will run through February 19th. This year our “NIGHT” has turned into a website with all of the information that parents/guardians and students will need in order to select courses for the 2021-2022 school year.
Within the website, you will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of programs, resources and opportunities available to our students. Last year parents were only able to choose up to four different sessions to attend, but this year all of these sessions are available via the website. Each of these sessions will provide you with tools to help your student select courses that align with their post-secondary plan.
Northview Middle School Early Out Monday, February 1
Shortly after 10 a.m. Northview Middle School experienced a water main break under the building leading to the water needing to be shut off until it can be repaired. As a result, Northview Middle School needs to close early today, Monday, February 1. All other Ankeny Schools will be in session on their regular schedules.
Please make plans to pick up your students as soon as you are able, today, Monday, February 1. This message has gone out to emergency contacts as well to assist you in coordinating the pickup of your child(ren).
When you pick up your child(ren), please go to the west coming from NW 18th St. or the north side of the building. When you arrive, please call or text your student or call the front office to have your student sent out. If a student doesn’t have a cell phone, parents please call the main office when you arrive and we will send your student out. Buses are being dispatched to the building as well for students who ride the bus. Walkers and drivers have been dismissed.
As a precautionary measure, all students are being kept in classrooms and away from the water accumulations.
Any additional developments regarding these schools and information regarding facility availability and use for any after-school activities will be communicated via the school district website at
Picture Retakes
Picture Retakes will be at NV in the AM on Monday, Jan. 25th and Tuesday, Jan. 26th. This will be for students who have not had their picture taken in Nov.
If students have had their picture taken and would like them retaken, they will need to bring back the original pictures and turn them in.
End Of Semester Information
Wednesday, January 13th and Thursday, January 14th – Regular bell schedule. Students will be engaged in instruction and /or assessments to complete first semester coursework.
Friday, January 15th – Reserved for teachers to meet with individual students, thus regular classes will not meet for either hybrid or remote students for grades 8-12. Teachers will reach out to schedule times to meet with specific students to facilitate successful completion of the semester. Students needing to complete or make up assessments to wrap up first semester may also schedule a time to meet with their teacher either virtually or on site. Busses will pick up afternoon bus students who are on site at NV Friday, January 15th at 1:35.
Monday, January 18th – No school.
Suspending 8th Grade Activities
Due to Governor Reynolds Proclamation issued November 16, 2020 we are suspending 8th grade activities (including before/after school open weight room for 8th graders) until December 10th.
8th & 9th grade activities will also be impacted by the Ankeny Community School District’s decision to apply for a Virtual Learning Waiver from November 23-December 7, 2020. If you have any questions please contact NVMS.
Pictures/Picture Retakes
Fall pictures were taken on Nov. 2 and Nov. 3. Proofs will soon be available for viewing on HR Imaging’s website. If you wish to view the proofs or order online, please go to HR Imaging, type Northview Middle School in the search bar. When it requests you to log in, click the orange “Look up your Subject #” icon and input your child’s name and School ID found in Infinite Campus.
Retakes have been rescheduled for Jan. 25th & 26th. Should you need any assistance please contact HR Imaging’s customer service department at 815-433-1766.
Please click here to read the current and past newsletters.
Winter Clothing Drive
Winter Clothing Drive
Sponsored by Project Fresh Start
Clothing will be collected at Northview Middle School starting Monday, Oct. 26th until Thursday, November 5th. Items approved for donation include new or gently used coats, hats, thick gloves, and snow pants.
Items not accepted are boots, scarves, and thin one size fits most gloves.
- Saturday, November 14th, 12:00 – 3:00 PM
- Sunday, November 15th, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
Location: Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Catholic Church. 510 East First Street.
Ankeny Community School District students only. (ACA and St. Luke’s included)
Only 50 people allowed in at one time. Masks are required.
Picture Day
HR Imaging will be taking our hybrid student pictures on Monday, Nov. 2 for Group 1 and on Tuesday, Nov. 3 for Group 2. Picture Order forms are available in the office.
All hybrid students will be getting their pictures taken whether you purchase any photos or not.
Retake dates are Monday, Dec. 7th and Tuesday, Dec. 8th.