Picture Retakes
Picture Retakes will be on Monday, Oct. 4, 2021. This is for those that did not get their picture taken during schedule pick up or if they got their picture taken and would like them to get retaken, please bring in original picture pack to turn back in.
Homecoming Dress Up Days
Monday, Sept. 27–Comfy Day
Tuesday, Sept. 28–Tacky Tourist Day
Wednesday, Sept. 29th–Country Vs. Country Club
Thursday, Sept. 30th–Hat Day
Friday, Oct. 1–Jag Swag
2021 Northview Fall Athletic Information
2021 Northview Fall Athletic Information
Athletic Participation REQUIRED information
- Parents, please complete our online registration process ASAP if you have a fall student/athlete.
- Your student must have an updated physical and completed online registration to participate. Here is the link to complete the registration: https://ankenycentennial-ar.rschooltoday.com
- Even if your student-athlete will not participate in a fall sport, we are asking all families and students to complete the online process at this time.
8th Football– Practice starts August 23rd
Remind Instructions:
text @737c7a to the number 81010 for team communications
Google Form (if you have not already filled it out already)
Camp Info
Camp is Monday-Friday August 16-20 from 4-6PM at NV
First day of practice is Monday, August 23 after school 4-6 at NV. You must have your physical uploaded and registration complete in order to participate in practice.
Contact Coach Andy Fehn with questions: andy.fehn@ankenyschools.org
9th Football– Practice starts August 9th
Football camp will be held at Northview Stadium August 2-6 8:00-10:30am. Practice begins on Monday, August 9th at Northview Stadium 8:00-10:30 am.
Contact Coach Cade Gilbert with questions: cade.gilbert@ankenyschools.org
Boys Golf
9th Boys Golf– Practice starts August 16th
First practices will be August 16th & 17th from 9-10:00am at Des Moines Driving Range – 2944 NW 66th Ave., Des Moines. Starting August 18th, practices will be held at Woodland Hills Golf Course at 4:00pm. All players should bring their clubs and appropriate shoes.
Contact Coach Tony Klein with questions: tony.klein@ankenyschools.org
8th Volleyball– Practice starts August 23rd
Practice begins at 3:50 pm and will end at 5:30 pm most days except Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays and Fridays, dismissal time will be 5:00 pm.
Please join Remind by texting @nvvball21 to 81010 for updates and reminders throughout the summer and school year. This is our main platform for communication.
Look for a player/parent meeting to be scheduled mid-August prior to practice starting.
Contact coach Monica Sickels with questions: monica.sickels@ankenyschools.org
9th Volleyball – Practice starts August 9th
Practice August 9 – August 13th will be at ACHS from 9:00 – 12:00pm. August 16 and 17 practice will be at Northview from 9:00-11:00 am. Starting August 18 through the remainder of the season, practices will run from 3:45-5:45 at Northview (Pending right now are Friday morning practices)
Join the “Remind” app by sending a text to 81010 with the message “@9vb2” for updates and reminders on practices and games.
Contact coach Samantha Eifler with questions: samantha.eifler@ankenyschools.org
Cross Country
8th Girls Cross Country– Practice starts August 25th at Northview Middle School
Informational Meeting on Tuesday, August 24th after school in the cafeteria at 4:00pm.
Contact Coach Kyle Benna with questions: kyle.benna@ankenyschools.org
8th Boys Cross Country–Practice starts August 23rd
All practices begin and end at Northview Middle School. We will practice from 3:45 – 5:15 pm Monday through Friday. Athletes will be ready for pick up no later than 5:15 pm. Please join Remind by texting @eb22h6 to 81010 for updates and reminders throughout the summer and school year. This is our main platform for communication. We will have a parent meeting after the first practice at 5:20 pm in the Easy gym at Northview.
Contact Coach Mike Radue with questions: mike.radue@ankenyschools.org
9th Girls Cross Country – Practice starts August 9th
The first mandatory practice is August 9th from 7:00 – 9:30am at the NE corner of Centennial High School. The rest of the week will continue with 7:00 – 9:00 am practices. Beginning August 16th, practices will be from 4:00 – 6:00pm. You need to have an updated physical and completed online registration to participate.
There will be a parent meeting and a team breakfast at Northview in the Cafeteria from 9-10:30 on Saturday, August 14.
Contact Coach Eric Cogdill with questions: eric.cogdill@ankenyschools.org
9th Boys Cross Country – Practice starts August 9th at 8am
Meet at the north end of ACHS. We will continue morning practice this week.
Starting August 16th we will practice at ACHS at 4pm.
You need to have an updated physical uploaded and the online athletic registration completed in order to practice
Contact Coach Chad Fickbohm with questions: chad.fickbohm@ankenyschools.org
Swimming/ Diving
9th girls swimming – Practice starts August 9th
Monday & Friday morning practice (dry land training) 6:00am – 7:30am at Centennial High School, Swimmers and Divers
- Tuesday & Thursday morning practice (pool, swim only) 6:00am – 7:30am at Trail Point on DMACC campus.
- Monday – Friday afternoon practice (pool) 4:00pm – 6:30pm at Trail Point.
- Saturday practice (pool) 7:30am – 9:00am at Trail Point.
- Diving practice (pool) Monday – Friday 6:15pm – 8:00pm / Saturday 9:00am – 10:00am at Trail Point.
Contact Coach Michelle Stout with questions: michelle.stout@ankenyschools.org
Fall Parent Meeting Tuesday, August 16
The fall sports parent meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, at 6:30 p.m. at Centennial High School in the main gym. This meeting is for parents of students in grades 9-12 that will be participating in Girls Cross Country, Boys Cross Country, Football, Boys Golf, Girls Swimming and Diving, Volleyball, Fall Cheer and Dance. Following the brief meeting with the Activities Staff, parents will meet with coaches for additional information.
Important Dates
Schedule Pick-Up
Tuesday, August 17th from 8:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 18th from 4:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
First Day of School
Monday, August 23rd
Back to School Night/Meet the Teacher
Monday, August 30th (time TBD)
2021-22 Athletic Registration Now Open
Beginning July 1, you may create or log into your existing rSchools account to update your student’s athletic registration and electronically sign participation documents for the 2021-22 school year. Click the following link to go to the rSchools athletic registration site- https://ankenycentennial-ar.rschooltoday.com/
This process needs to be completed annually in order to participate in sports. There are helpful tutorials and assistance contacts on the site if you have questions.
Completing the online athletic registration is the first step of the process for athletic participation for all students in grades 8-12. This does not automatically sign you up to receive sport specific communication. Students must also attend sport specific informational meetings throughout the year that will be communicated by coaches in one of the following ways: email, website, infinite campus home page, and daily student announcements.
8th Grade Activities
Volleyball, Football, Girls Cross Country, Boys Cross Country, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Wrestling, Girls Swimming, Boys Swimming, Girls Track, Boys Track, Softball
9-12 Grade Activities
Volleyball, Football, Girls Cross Country, Boys Cross Country, Girls Golf, Boys Golf, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Wrestling, Girls Bowling, Boys Bowling, Girls Swimming, Boys Swimming, Girls Tennis, Boys Tennis, Girls Track, Boys Track, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Cheer, Dance
Law Day Winners
Students from ACSD competed in the Polk County Bar Association’s Law Day contest and garnered several awards in each category. Students in grades K through 12 were invited to compete in the visual arts, music, essay, and poetry categories.
This year’s theme was Advancing the Rule of Law Now. The Rule of Law is the bedrock of our democracy because the same laws apply to everyone, and no one is above the law. The Rule of Law is a system of laws, rules, policies, and principles that apply to everyone to ensure a fair and just society where everyone is treated equally under the law. This includes having a fair and independent judiciary and making sure human rights are guaranteed for all.
Law day has been celebrated since 1958 when President Dwight Eisenhower signed the proclamation declaring it a day to celebrate and strengthen the American heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under the law.
This year’s celebration was held virtually. Guests from the legal profession spoke to students, emphasizing the importance of the Rule of Law, and entertained questions from the students. A visual presentation was shared that showcased student work.
5th grade:
Anna Rowling (Prairie Trail) – 1st Place in Poster
Vivian Zhang (Rock Creek) – 2nd Place in Essay
Zena Jorgensen and Ingrid Weber (Ashland Ridge) – 1st Place in Visual Arts
7th Grade:
Alanna Bredice (Prairie Ridge) – 1st Place in Technology
Kalyani Bhat (Prairie Ridge) – 1st Place in Music & Performing Arts
Emmarie Becker (Prairie Ridge) – 3rd Place in Poetry
Rosie Howieson (Prairie Ridge) – 2nd Place in Poetry
Maia Bredice & Lauren Boka (Prairie Ridge) – 3rd Place in Visual Arts
8th grade:
Avery Bacon (Southview) – 2nd place in Middle School Visual Arts
Josie Bishop (Northview) – 3rd place in Middle School Essay
Olivia Madison (Northview) – 1st place in Middle School Poetry
Finn Stukerjurgen (Southview) – 1st place in Middle School Essay
Meghan Wolf (Northview) – 1st place in Middle School Visual Arts; 2nd Place in Middle School Essay
9th grade:
Lio Aguirre (Northview) – 3rd place in High School Essay
Lio Aguirre, Caeden deBruin, Mary Faidley and Addison Pollock (Northview) – 1st place in High School Visual Arts
Kylie Kinzie (Northview) – 2nd place in High School Visual Arts
10th grade:
Julia Yount (ACHS) – 2nd place in High School Poetry
12th grade:
Allison Su (ACHS) – 3rd place in High School Visual Arts
Yearbook Pick up
The Northview Middle School 2020-21 Yearbooks have arrived and are ready to be handed out! You can still purchase a yearbook online. We have approximately 75 yearbooks to sell and they will go fast. Go to http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01014790 to purchase. If you have cash or check you need to see Mr. Radue in room 1614.
Yearbooks will be distributed to students at the following dates/times:
- Thursday May 20 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm in the CAFETERIA
- Thursday May 20 – 3:35 – 3:45 pm in the MEDIA CENTER LIBRARY
- Friday May 21 – 8:00 – 8:20 am in the MEDIA CENTER LIBRARY
- Friday May 21 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm in the CAFETERIA
Remote students may begin picking up yearbooks at 11:00 am on Thursday May 20 and anytime after that in the main office. Students need to provide an ID card to receive their yearbook. Students may not pick up a yearbook for a friend or sibling.
Spring Picture Day
Spring pictures will be taken on Tuesday, April 13th. There will not be a make-up day for Spring pictures.
2020-2021 Yearbook-DUE FEBRUARY 26
2020-2021 Yearbook – Northview Middle School
The theme of the Northview Middle School 2020-21 yearbook is “Virtual Reality.” The yearbook club is working hard to gather images and interviews so that we can look back on this incredibly different school year.
Consider purchasing a yearbook for $30 at http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01014790
Would you like to help the yearbook club by providing images from the school year? We need your help! Students…watch Google Classroom for announcements on opportunities to participate. If you are a parent and you have images from sporting/extracurricular events, feel free to email them to mike.radue@ankenyschools.org.