Milestone for OPUS: Most successful year in our district’s history
This year marked a historic milestone for OPUS, as it stands out as the most successful in our district’s history. This fall, a remarkable eighty-one students from Ankeny Community School District, spanning grades sixth through ninth, earned the privilege of participating in the esteemed 37th Annual Opus Honor Choir Festival hosted by the Iowa Choral Directors Association. This achievement not only surpassed the representation of any other school district in the state but also set a new record in Ankeny’s own history.
Out of a pool of over twenty-four hundred nominated students, spanning the specified grades, the diligent efforts of Ankeny students resulted in securing one hundred-eighty coveted positions across the four OPUS Honor Choirs. The selection process involved judges evaluating recorded auditions from each nominated student. The grand culmination of this achievement took place on Thursday, November 16, when the 2023 Opus Honor Choirs delivered a stellar performance at CY Stephens Auditorium in Ames.
Heartfelt congratulations are extended to the numerous Ankeny students who dedicated themselves to this endeavor, with special recognition to the exceptional talents of the following selected musicians and their directors: Emma Feldhans and David Sponder from Parkview; Emily Battani and Lisa Rehms from Prairie Ridge; Riley Anderson and Samantha Thomas from Northview; and Jill Bjorklund and Nick Oswald from Southview. Notably, Sebastian Rivera-Alvarez from Prairie Ridge, along with Evan Bahr, Will Heldt, and Ty Porter from Northview, and William Peterson, William Peverill, and Luke Vesperman from Southview, earned the distinguished honor of being selected as solo finalists for the festival, with Ty Porter additionally earning the prestigious distinction of being chosen as a soloist.
A resounding congratulations to all for this outstanding achievement!
PV=Parkview PR=Prairie Ridge SV=Southview NV=Northview |
^Alternate *Solo Finalist #Selected Soloist ~Selected for All-State Choir |
5th/6th ChoirBeckett Adams (PV) |
7th/8th Bass Clef ChoirIan Anderson (NV) |
7th/8th Treble Clef ChoirElin Alber (SV) |
9th Mixed Choir^Avery A’Hearn (NV) |
2023-2024 Winter Athletic Information
2023-2024 Winter Athletic Information
Athletic Participation REQUIRED information
- Parents, please complete our online registration process ASAP if you have a winter student/athlete.
- Your student must have an updated physical and completed online registration to participate. Here is the link to complete the registration:
The winter season offers 8th grade athletes a split-season structure in the CIML conference that offers Girls’ Basketball, Girls’ Wrestling & Boys’ Wrestling in the early season (mid October – late December) and Boys’ Basketball in the late winter season (late December – late February). Please see the details below.
Click here to view any of our CIML sports team schedules.
8th Boys Wrestling
Practice begins Monday, October 16th at NVMS after school (3:45-5:30 pm)
- 8th Wrestling Meeting – 8:00 am East Gym; Friday, Oct. 6th
- There will be an 8th Wrestling Parent Meeting – 6:30-7:00 pm – NV Room 1103 (Please use Main Entrance); Wednesday, October 11th
Contact Coach Nathan Smith with questions:
8th Girls Wrestling
Practice starts October 16th in the gym at Orbis (Northview).
- There will be an 8-12 informational parent meeting Sunday, October 15th 5pm (Northview MS Small Gym). Enter through doors S-10
Contact one of the coaches with questions. Mykel Carlson, Olivia Willers, or Dustin Roland
9-12th Boys Wrestling
Informational meeting is October 25th after school at Northview Wrestling Room. Mandatory body fat testing is on Thursday, October 26th at 7am at Northview. 9th wrestling practice begins on November 13th at ACHS. You can ride the ACHS shuttle after school to get to ACHS.
For more information- Contact Coach Jay Groth:
9-12 Girls Wrestling
Practice starts October 30th in the gym at Orbis (Northview).
Informational meeting will be held at NV on Friday, October 6th at 8:00am in the East gym OR at ACHS on Tuesday, October 10th @ 8am in the small gym.
Contact Dustin Roland, Olivia Willers, or Mykel Carlson for more information:
8th Girls’ Basketball
Informational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 21st from 7:45-8:00 AM in the Northview East Gym. You can also sign up in the front office and get handouts there.
Practice begins Wednesday, October 11th after school at Northview Middle School.
Contact Coach Tony Klein with questions:
JV1/JV2 Girls Basketball
There will be an informational player meeting on Thursday, October 19 at 7:45AM in the East Gym for 9th graders only.
The first practice will be held after school on Monday, November 6th at the high school.
We will host a scrimmage on Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 8-10AM at NV.
If you missed the meeting or have any questions, contact Coach Andy Fehn or Liz Bruns., ,
8th Boys’ Basketball
There will be a players only informational meeting on Tuesday December 5th at 3:45pm in the cafeteria for students interested. Official start date will be Wednesday January 3rd , but there will be optional practices on Monday, Dec. 18th & Tuesday, Dec. 19th after school from 4-5:30 at Prairie Ridge.
Contact Coach Paul Evans with questions:
9th Boys Basketball
The 9th Grade Boys Basketball season officially begins on Monday, November 13th. Practices are held after school from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Northview Main Gym. The “A” Team typically plays games on Tuesdays and Fridays. The “B” team typically plays games on Mondays. The “C” Team schedule does not include a typical day on which they play. There will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, November 8th @ 3:45 at Northview.
Contact Coach Tyler McDonald with questions:
To keep up to date on information and announcements download the Remind App on your phone and use the Remind Code: cen9bball
9-12th Boys Swimming
There will be an informational meeting for all boys in 9th grade who are interested in swimming on Wednesday October 11th, 2023 at Ankeny Centennial High School at 4:00pm. This meeting is open to any boy interested in swimming during the 2023-24 season.
We will be discussing the upcoming season and apparel and suit orders!
Contact Coach Dustin Rhoads if you have any questions:
8th Grade Boys’ /Girls’ Swimming
Practice will begin in February and the season will end the week before spring break. We practice every school day from 4:00-5:30 at NV Middle School Pool . Boys and girls from both Northview and Southview can participate. Coach Rhoads will meet with interested students after Winter break. Watch the school TV for announcements.
Contact Coach Dustin Rhoads if you have any questions:
9th Grade Boys’ / Girls’ Bowling
Anyone interested in 9-12 Girls or Boys Bowling please report to Ankeny High School on 10/12/23 at 6pm in the Upstairs Career Center for a preseason meeting with Coach Nick Payton.
Contact Coach Nick Payton with questions:
Future Ready Night & Career Showcase
What: Future Ready Night & Career Showcase
The night will include learning sessions aimed at helping students navigate high school and post-secondary opportunities as well as a Career Showcase featuring over 30 different careers!
When: Monday, October 16th 5:30-8:15 PM
DMACC Building 5 / Student Center
2006 S. Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, IA 50023
This event is designed for both students and parents
- Students will have the opportunity to explore and engage with various careers at the Career Showcase through hands-on experiences with business professionals.
- Parents, guardians, and students are invited to attend four 25 minute sessions to learn more about opportunities students can take advantage of during and after high school.
Linked you will find a copy of the program for the night.
Save the Date
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences: October 12, 2023 from 4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. More info. to come.
Picture Retake Day–October 12, 2023
Open House Events
Attention all Northview Middle School students, parents, and guardians. We are thrilled to announce two exciting Open House events that will kickstart the upcoming school year with enthusiasm and preparation.
Date: August 15, 2023 from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm OR Date: August 17, 2023 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Event: Open House & Fall Pictures
We extend a warm invitation to all students and their families to join us for a special Open House event as the new academic year approaches. We invite you to participate in a variety of activities, including:
Walk-Through: Get acquainted with the school campus, classrooms, and facilities to ensure a smooth start to the year.
View Schedules: Review your school year schedules, so you can plan ahead and stay organized.
Fall Pictures: Capture the excitement of a new school year with individual photos.
This is an excellent opportunity for students and parents alike to familiarize themselves with Northview Middle School, meet fellow classmates, and interact with our friendly staff.
Engage with Educators: On August 17th you will have the opportunity to meet your teachers for the upcoming academic year.
Ask Questions: Have any queries or concerns? This event will be the perfect time to ask questions and gain valuable insights to ensure a successful school year.
We believe that these Open House events will set the stage for a fantastic and productive school year at Northview Middle School.
Celebrating our Assistant/Associate Principals!
The Ankeny Community School District would like to recognize all that assistant and associate principals that have persevered amid the pandemic and considered what their ever-expanding and evolving role might look like moving forward. Through it all, our AP’s have demonstrated unwavering leadership—becoming a source of strength and inspiration for us all. If ever there was a time to express how much your AP means to you and your school community, this is it. Visit our Thank You page, add your message, and hit submit to deliver to their inbox—it’s that easy!
Ankeny Centennial High School – Adam Busch, JD Hunter
Ankeny High School – Kelsie Goodman, Wade Grinhaug
Northview Middle School (8-9) – Caleb Hales, Cameron Wendt
Southview Middle School (8-9) – Nicole Kuhns, Chris Novak
Prairie Ridge Middle School (6-7) – Andrea Bruns, Kathleen Steffen
Parkview Middle School (6-7) – Ben Huebsch, Emily Rash
Profile of a Graduate
We are excited to launch the process of re-imagining our graduate profile! This document will work together with our strategic plan and equity framework to help chart a path for the district’s future. Please view this short survey to provide feedback on our graduate profile.
Parent Advisory Committee Meeting – Thursday, Dec. 9
The Ankeny Community School District and Superintendent Dr. Erick Pruitt invite parents/guardians to attend the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting on Thursday, December 9 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Northview Middle School in the Cafeteria. Please park on the west side of the building near the football stadium and enter through doors W22.
We will be sharing information about our new learning management system, Canvas, the resources available to teachers as outcomes of curriculum reviews, and reporting student progress with standards.
The Parent Advisory Committee gives parents an opportunity to provide input on topics and ideas that are relevant to the district’s goal of preparing every learner for success. The committee will also provide insight into projects and initiatives that can be implemented to help move the district forward. Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to collaborate with each other and work together as one entity to ensure success for our students and community.
Committee involvement is open to all parents of students enrolled in the Ankeny Community School District.
Congrats Jaguar Cheer Squads!

State Champions – Black Group Stunt Team
Congratulations to the Ankeny Centennial Jaguar Cheerleading Squads for their state performances.
The Black Group Stunt Team, Lily DeBold, Ashley Simpson, Kelsey Taylor, Taylor Weaver, and Tessa Woerdehoff, were named the 4A State Champions.
The Timeout Squad placed 2nd, Fight Song squad placed 4th, Band Chant placed 4th, and the Silver Group Stunt Team placed 7th.
The Ankeny Centennial competition cheer squads are coached by Alyssa Howlett, Erin Blessman, Kaylee Brugioni, Emily Aukes, Kenzie Wyble, and Trinessa Handt. Congratulations Jaguars!
Congratulations Holly Anderson, Middle School Athletic Director of the Year!
Congratulations to Northview Middle School Athletic Director Holly Anderson on being announced 2021-2022 Central District Middle School AD of the Year!